You're Doing it Wrong: 5 Ways to show Dad You Care this Father's Day
June 18, 2017
1) Tell (Show) Him You Love Him.
Sounds redundant, right? Well you’re fucking wrong. Your dad may have thick skin, he may have a stern face and look like he’s constantly disappointed in your lifestyle choices over and over—but your dad isn’t so stern as to not want to hear you say “I love you” or feel loved by you. We have this incredibly dangerous idea that men aren’t sensitive, that they don’t need the same love and adoration everyone else on the planet needs to feel loved and appreciated. Yet, we want to be equal. The fuck sort of logic is that? That couldn’t be further from the truth. Men are big ass babies who stomp their feet when they don’t get their way or when they feel upset or insecure about…well, anything! Help your dad feel secure in his abilities as your father. Show him he’s turned you into a productive member of society (even if you aren’t). Show him you take pride in being his child and feel honored to have him in your life. Let your dad know you love him. Especially while he’s still here. Don’t just tell him; the phrase “I love you” is just that, a phrase. SHOW your dad you appreciate him. Let him know his hardwork and sacrifices paid off. Even if your dad is the coldest, strictest, man from southern Alabama who’s not said a word since his third tour in Vietnam, it’ll melt his heart and is likely exactly what he hopes you will do.
2) Be Transparent with Him.
There is so much I wish I could share with my dad. Boys, work, student loans! My dad was so dope, you could talk to him about anything and he wouldn’t judge, or make you feel worthless. Perhaps this is why I found it so difficult to be transparent with my dad. Like many dumb ass teens, I was embarrassed by some of my choices and didn’t want my dad to know I was out here being a knucklehead. NOT listening. NOT behaving like I knew better. I legit wish I had the time over because I would’ve told him everything and he would have given his advice and loved me just the same, not an ounce less. I learned this shortly after his death, when talking with my little sister about how she opened up to him and how they developed a relationship closer than the one she shares with our mother. A few of my brothers confirmed her statements about our dad and I felt hopeless I’ll never be able to share that with him. Ever. One of my regrets is not being able to say I had that sort of relationship with him, especially knowing now, how accepting and relatable he was.
3) Give Him Room to Grow.
Your dad isn’t perfect. Just like your mom isn’t perfect. For some reason, perhaps due to inequality, men are held to an outrageous standard; their parental mistakes follow them and effect everything from the relationship they have with their child to court ordered visitation (or no visitation, for many men). Men get the short end of the stick when it comes to this whole parenting thing, it’s the reality. I would never diminish the contributions of mothers out there, especially mothers who play both roles, but as women, we have to better. Women are allowed to make mistakes and error all the time yet those errors go largely unnoticed and we don’t speak about them. Women are allowed to feel vulnerable enough to make a parenting mistake, and not even have to think about how it will effect their relationships with their children or whether or not they can see their children. Men, not so much. Give men the space to grow, make mistakes, and most importantly, don’t hold his mistakes against him. Realize that part of him growing into the super-hero dad we want him to be is having the freedom to be human in a role for which there is no manual. And don’t add other factors in like socio-economic challenges, single-parent households, etc to the mix. Understand that just like there is no perfect mother, and women are legit doing the best they can—the same goes for fathers. Society tells men not to be vulnerable, to be tough, strong, and perfect, without blemish. Unless your dad is Christ himself (which he ain’t), give him room to grow into his role.
4) Fire up the grill
In case you haven’t noticed, I hate double standards. Like, why does mom get breakfast in bed and “the day off” on HER day but dad is outside slaving away on the grill on HIS day. And it’s not just the grill. It’s yard work,cleaning gutters, power washing the roof—since when did father’s day become synonymous with Honey-Do lists? Get the fuck outta here with that. Father’s day comes around absent football, so it’s not like he can kick up his feet and watch the game. It’s usually hot as shit outside (it’s uncomfortably hot here). So what gives? Get off your ass and help out! Take your dad out to eat, or if your father prefers to dine in, slap on an apron and get to grillin’ for your old man. He’ll thank you; it’ll give him and opportunity to actually enjoy Father’s Day, and it may be a bonding experience between you and your dad.